Arts and crafts club
An Arts and Crafts Club can offer creative brief sessions or shared challenges.
Tech and method of connection:
Briefs could be sent out with suitable time ahead of the session via email, group chat or phone for those offline. The session itself can be run by video conferencing, with those offline dialling in. Those who wish to share pictures of their creations can do so via email or group chat messaging.
What can this bring to a community?
Arts and crafts can be rather therapeutic. Let one’s inner creative be released! Setting a brief adds structure, with plenty of room for creativity. It can also be a chance for people with dementia to connect with their carers are joint entrants are more than welcome.
All community members are welcome.
Group size:
Maximum of 12 people per video call. If there are more entrants than this, split into two sessions.
Set weekly short challenges. Perhaps you can set one ‘extended’ challenge per month that involves slightly more time and requires a bit more creativity.
Rough agenda:
Ask how everyone found the brief – what they liked/didn’t like. Give each member the chance to show their work and share their reflections. Each member should describe their work as best they can for the sake of those phoning in.