Facilitating online groups sessions

Our own experiences, and those of many others, have demonstrated that when running group sessions through a video meeting platform like Zoom, it is helpful to have two people with clearly defined ‘facilitator roles’. It is very difficult to perform these roles single handedly, even in a small group. This approach is seen widely in […]

person playing a guitar

An alternative to live sessions.

We found live group sessions were off-putting to the people we were trying to stay connected to, namely people living with dementia and their partners, isolating at at home during coronavirus lockdown and since.

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Helping to make getting online accessible

Understandably there are many people that feel excluded when it comes to technology without having the equipment, confidence or know-how to get online. As we know, when people are isolated on their own with little physical support this increases the difficulty.

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Getting to grips with online meetings

There are expectations around face to face meetings which most of us have grown up with and have often been developed further in our working lives. Many people who are a little older or who have not had the benefit of recent office work will not be familiar with on-line meetings. There is a whole […]

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Starting small

Our online meeting point evolved from Dementia Matters Here (DMH) taking part in the weekly UK Meeting Centre Programme’s networking meeting. We decided we needed to respond to the pandemic by helping to reduce isolation for people affected by dementia, and felt the best way we could do this was to launch an online meeting […]

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Persuading carers to give it a try

It seems that there could be a stigma attached with groups that makes carers think that they are not coping, or are ‘not at that stage yet’.

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singing group

Online Singing Group

We use Zoom for our singing group and for all our online meetings. Our singing group takes place every Friday afternoon and there are usually around 7 people there. There are two main issues with doing singing groups over video calls. Latency and feedback. Latency means that there is always a slight delay between whomever […]

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